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Showing 1 - 10 of 67 results

I want to know the error associated with the "Non-Linearity" of my DAQ device. What are the INL and DNL errors in the specifications of my DAQ device?

This article explains how to determine the value of bias resistors when measuring signals using a floating source. Bias resistors are required when using the DAQ with differential or nonreferenced single-ended ...

I am getting an error -200077 when trying to use a NI-DAQmx APIs: Error -200077 Requested value is not a supported value for this property. The property value may be invalid because it conflicts with ...

I built a LabVIEWapplication, and the behavior is not the same as in the development environment. The executable does not show any error, butit does not work correctly. I built an executable in LabVIEW, ...

While reading the specifications of my DAQ device, I found a terminology called Absolute Accuracy at Full Scale. What is the meaning of Absolute Accuracy at Full Scale and how can I calculate it?

My DAQ device uses scatter-gather DMA to get data from the board to my computer, what does this mean?

The following devices support programmable power up states: 6509 651x (6512, 6513, 6514, 6515) 652x (6525, 6527, 6528), All M Series boards (62xx) All X Series boards (63xx) You can set power-up states ...

I have a PCIe card, and it shows up in NI MAX and in Windows Device Manager, but it doesn't show up in NI Device Monitor. I have a USB RIO, and it shows up in NI MAX, but it doesn't show up in NI Device ...

I am using the Pulse Measurement Counter Input tasks in DAQmx with my DAQ device and I am getting the following error at DAQmx Create Channel VI : Error -200431 occurred at DAQmx Create Channel (CI-Pulse ...

Showing 1 - 10 of 67 results
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