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Showing 1 - 10 of 29 results

After WLAN Test Toolkit is installed, I use 1pcs PXIe-5840 and 1pcs PXIe-5841 to run WLAN MIMO exampleniWLAN 802.11 OFDM Demod (Multiple RFSA).vi, error is reported below: Error -43910 occurred at niWLANA ...

Using instrument NI PXIe-5840 through RFSA/RFSG soft front panels or LabVIEW, the timeouts and the instrument cannot be used. When debugging with NI I/O trace the specific error is following: ...

I am using the Vector Signal Transceiver (VST) PXIe-5840, and during my use, I encountered an FPGA temperature issue. See figure below:

This article provides some general information about EVM measurements using some of the RFmx personalities where it is available and includes a step by step instructions on how to take an EVM measurement ...

This article provides guidance on how often NI devices need to be calibrated and how to find the specific calibration interval for individual Multifunction I/O DAQ, Digital Instruments, High-Speed Digital ...

I was trying to use C# example (User>>Public>>Public Documents>>National Instruments>>NI-RFSG>>Example>>VS2012>>Triggers>>ScriptTrigger-SoftwareSource). It worked under another PC, but itdoesn't work now, ...

I'm trying to open an RFSA or RFmx session with my NI vector signal analyzer (or vector signal transceiver), but I receive the error -1074118630 or error -1074097950when I open it using either LabVIEW ...

We're using VST to generate CW RF signals at a specific power level, and frequency using the NI RFSG example namedRFSG Getting Started Singe Tone Upon capturing the output of the VST, there ...

I'm using Vector Signal Transceiver (VST) PXIe-5646, LabVIEW 2014 SP1 and LabVIEW Instrument Design Libraries for Vector Signal Transceivers 14.0 version. There are constant crashes when I try to run code ...

Showing 1 - 10 of 29 results
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