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Showing 1 - 10 of 16 results

When initiating communication, the port LED on my NI-XNET device blinks red.

I am using a NI-986x (XNET module) in my cRIO. Previously, I had to create a blank bitfile to use these modules in my VeriStand system. Is this still the case with the 2015 release of VeriStand and CompactRIO? ...

I inserted an XNET interface C series module on a CompactRIO (cRIO). I connected to the cRIO from my LabVIEW Project, but the XNET resource dropdown for selecting the interface only shows "Target disconnected". ...

When I try to run NI-XNET session with Signal In Single Point Read XNET function in LabVIEW with CAN Interface Module, error -1074384864 occurred. How to solve the issue? Error -1074384864 occurred at ...

I am not able to add my NI 9860 module under the FPGA target in a LabVIEW project. Is the module supported in the FPGA interface? I am getting This C Series module is not supported by the installed versions ...

I am trying to communicate with my CAN Interface Device in NI MAX, but it is showing up as Unknown, as in one of the following images: NI-XNET NI-CAN

I am using cRIO-9036 with 9861 in VeriStand2023Q3 to achieve CAN communication. When I deploy the VeriStand, I get the error below: Deployment Error NI-XNET: (Hex 0xBFF63071) The transceiver value set ...

I am using a NI-XNET module in a cRIO with NI-DAQmx support (cRIO-904x or cRIO-905x). I cannot add the NI-986x module under Real-Time Scan Resource or Real-Time Resource in LabVIEW project. Is this an ...

I am getting Error -63101 when I try to deploy my NI VeriStand System Definition File that contains one or more NI-986x modules: Error -63101 occurred at Project Window.lvlib:Project >> Project ...

What is the maximum baud rate that NI 9860 can support? I could not find any information related to the baud rate in the NI 9860 specifications page.

Showing 1 - 10 of 16 results
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