Taking Measurements with Oscilloscopes Course

FROM $ 515.00

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Item details
Education Service Credits Needed: 5
Course Format: On-Demand
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Taking Measurements with Oscilloscopes Course, On-Demand, 1-Year Access
$ 515.00
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Taking Measurements with Oscilloscopes On-Demand
$ 515.00
$ 515.00
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The Taking Measurements with Oscilloscopes Course covers the basics of installing, setting up, and taking measurements with oscilloscopes and probes from NI.

The Taking Measurements with Oscilloscopes Course helps you understand the benefits and functions of NI oscilloscopes, as well as how to select the appropriate oscilloscopes and probes for your applications and measurement needs. This course teaches you how to set up an oscilloscope and how to perform measurements while accounting for aliasing, DC offsets, and noise. You will learn how to install your oscilloscope into a PXI Chassis, identify the instrument in NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), and perform a self-test. Additionally, you will learn how to interactively and programmatically take measurements using InstrumentStudio and the NI-SCOPE API, and how to synchronize oscilloscope measurements with NI-TClk. The course also covers calibration, maintenance, and optimization of your oscilloscope. The Taking Measurements with Oscilloscopes Course is recommended for test engineers and verification and validation engineers who need to perform high accuracy time- and frequency-domain measurements.

주요 특징:

  • 포맷: 온디맨드
  • 준비사항: 없음

*추가 과제 - 평균 하루 3시간

이 교육과정은 비공개 버추얼 또는 비공개 강의실 포맷으로도 제공됩니다

부품 번호: 910930-71

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