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The RFmx Fundamental Skills for Automated Test & Measurement Course covers RFmx operations to help you accelerate your development process. In this course, you will learn how to properly configure complex signals, as well as how to create and modify waveforms, using RFmx Waveform Creator. You also will learn how to use RFmx in InstrumentStudio� software for spectral analysis and signal measurement. Additionally, the course covers hardware-driven coordination of multiple instruments, such as using RF and DC instruments in the same PXI Chassis. After attending this course, you will know how to optimize your workflows using PXI Vector Signal Transceivers. The RFmx Fundamental Skills for Automated Test & Measurement Course is recommended for RF engineers and test automation engineers. Familiarity with RFmx is required.
구독 및 NI 소프트웨어 서비스는 기간 만료 시 해당 시점의 현재 가격으로 자동으로 갱신됩니다. 각 갱신일 이전에 구독 또는 NI 소프트웨어 서비스를 취소할 수 있음을 이해합니다. 질문이 있으면 NI로 문의하십시오.