Requirements Gateway

FROM $ 1,238.00

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Supported OS: Windows
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Requirements Gateway is application software that links development and verification documents with formal requirements in documents and databases.

Requirements Gateway helps you specify which applications, tests, and simulation models correlate with documented requirements to capture traceability information. You can use Requirements Gateway to capture and compare project snapshots to see differences and how requirements and coverage change over time. This application software integrates into LabVIEW, LabWindows�/CVI, and TestStand, as well as common tools for documenting requirements, such as Telelogic DOORS, IBM Rational RequisitePro, and Microsoft Office.

주요 특징:

  • 그래픽 커버리지 분석 및 영향 분석을 통한 추적 관계 시각화
  • 요구사항 및 커버리지의 변경을 확인하기 위해 프로젝트 스냅샷 캡처 및 비교
  • 추적 및 영향 분석 리포트 생성

부품 번호: 779551-35WM | 779551-35 | 788393-35 | 788393-35WM

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