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The Automating and Customizing Data Processing Using DIAdem with Python Course teaches you how to automate DIAdem using the Python programming language. � Additionally, you will become familiar with Python script execution in�DIAdem as well as the usage of variables,�functions, and APIs. You also will learn how to create user-defined dialog boxes, user commands, and custom menus, to help you use DIAdem as the basis for complex applications. After attending this course, you will know how to control the script sequence, define functions and procedures, use the script debugger or editor in DIAdem to check for errors or edit a script, and more. The course also covers how to create DataPlugins to index,�search, and load additional data�formats. � The Automating and Customizing Data Processing Using DIAdem with Python Course is recommended for users who have taken the DIAdem Basics Course or have equivalent experience. Experience with topics covered in the Exploring Data Interactively Using DIAdem Course is required.
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