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Generator Tuning Time (Typical): -
RF Analyzer Instantaneous Bandwidth: 1 GHz
RF Generator Instantaneous Bandwidth: 1 GHz
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I/O TypeSpecifies the signal type(s) the instrument can handle, such as RF, baseband, or RF and baseband.
RF Analyzer Frequency RangeThe span between the minimum and maximum frequency the product can measure.
5 GHz to 21 GHz
RF Generator Frequency RangeCarrier frequency range the product can generate.
5 GHz to 21 GHz
37 GHz to 44 GHz, 5 GHz to 31.3 GHz
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44 GHz, 1 GHz Bandwidth PXI Vector Signal Transceiver

The PXIe-5831 supports validation and production test into mmWave frequency bands. The PXIe-5831 incorporates a vector signal generator, vector signal analyzer, and high-speed serial interface with FPGA-based real-time signal processing and control. The PXIe‑5831 combines fast measurement speed and the small form factor of a production test box with the flexibility and high performance of R&D-grade box instruments, making it an ideal solution in both the lab and the production floor. The PXIe-5831 meets the stringent challenges of 5G New Radio, but it is also able to test a variety of cellular and wireless standards such as Wi-Fi 6. In addition, you can easily expand a test system in the PXI Express form factor to support multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) configurations with phase-coherent synchronization.

부품 번호: 786856-01 | 786853-01 |

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