
FROM $ 5,224.00

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Item details
Termination: No
Number of Banks: 1
Number of Channels: 8
Max Insertion Loss: -2 dB
Characteristic Impedence: 50 Ohm
Switch Bandwidth: 2.7 GHz
Relay Type: Electromechanical
Maximum Switching Voltage AC: 30 V
Bus Connector: PXI Hybrid
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NI PXI-2547 2.7 GHz 50 Ohm 8X1 Multiplexer
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2.7 GHz, 50 Ω, 8x1 PXI RF Multiplexer Switch Module

The PXI‑2547 is an RF signal multiplexer switch module. The higher channel count of the PXI‑2547 makes it ideal for test systems that require the switching of a large number of RF signals, such as switching several devices under test to a single channel on the RF analyzer. The module also features excellent insertion loss, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), and isolation parameters to minimize signal degradation. You can use the onboard relay count tracking feature to predict relay lifetime and reduce unexpected system downtime. 

부품 번호: 778572-47 |

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