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The Ettus USRP X410 integrates hardware and software to help you prototype high-performance wireless systems and perform over-the-air signal generation and analysis. Additionally, the Ettus USRP X410 features a two-stage superheterodyne architecture with four independent transmitter and receiver channels. It also features a Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ RFSoC with programmable FPGA supporting the Open Source UHD tool flow as well as LabVIEW FPGA. With these features, the Ettus USRP X410 has the RF and processing performance for applications such as wireless communications prototyping, spectrum monitoring, and signals intelligence. The Ettus USRP X410 is equipped with a GPS-disciplined 10 MHz oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) Reference Clock, which improves frequency accuracy and synchronization.
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