모듈형 데이터 수집
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고성능 테스트
자동화 테스트 시스템 개발 소프트웨어
관점에서는 NI가 보는 테스트 및 기술 분야의 향후 전망을 소개합니다.
수리, RMA를 요청하거나, 교정을 예약하거나, 기술 지원을 받을 수 있습니다. 유효한 서비스 계약이 필요할 수 있습니다.
NI의 수집 및 신호 컨디셔닝 디바이스에 대한 지원을 제공합니다.
이더넷, GPIB, 시리얼, USB 및 다른 종류의 기기에 대한 지원을 제공합니다.
NI GPIB 컨트롤러 및 GPIB 포트가 있는 NI 임베디드 컨트롤러에 대한 지원을 제공합니다.
소프트웨어 애드온은 NI 또는 NI 파트너가 산업별 라이브러리 또는 전문 기술을 사용하여 개발해 LabVIEW, VeriStand, TestStand와 같은 소프트웨어의 기능을 확장하는 모듈, 툴킷, 어플리케이션 등을 말합니다.
The Audio and Acoustics Test Software includes templates and a modular architecture for performing audio and acoustic functional tests.
The Electronics Power Validation Add-On for InstrumentStudio helps you acquire, visualize, and analyze power consumption and measurement data from NI instruments.
The Vehicle Communication Diagnostic Toolkit works with NI-XNET-supported devices to enable diagnostic applications for electronic control unit (ECU) design and validation.
The Vehicle Communication Measurement and Calibration Toolkit provides NI-XNET device support for ECU design and validation.
The Pulsed RF Measurements Library contains functions for performing pulsed RF measurements on components used in electronically scanned array systems.
The TestStand Semiconductor Module extends the TestStand environment to help you develop, debug, deploy, and maintain semiconductor test systems.
The TestStand ATML Toolkit translates ATML Test Description documents into TestStand sequences and code modules written in LabVIEW or LabWindows™/CVI.
The LabVIEW Analytics and Machine Learning Toolkit integrates predictive analytics and machine learning into LabVIEW.
The LabVIEW Communications LTE Application Framework offers a modifiable real-time LTE PHY and MAC layer IP that supports both TDD and FDD transmission modes.
The Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Development Toolkit helps you create custom steps for machine vision inspection systems.
Vision Development Module provides hundreds of functions for developing and deploying machine vision applications.
The DIAdem with Data Acquisition Bundle includes both DIAdem software and the DIAdem Data Acquisition and Control Module software add-on.
The LabVIEW Model Interface Toolkit helps you integrate models into the development of control systems.
The LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit provides functions and indicators for audio test, acoustic measurement, and vibration measurement applications.
The LabVIEW FPGA Module helps you develop and debug custom hardware logic that you can compile and deploy to NI FPGA hardware.
The DIAdem Crash Analysis Toolkit contains a set of proven vehicle safety test analysis functions that you can access interactively through DIAdem ANALYSIS.
The LabVIEW Application Builder Module provides tools for creating and deploying stand-alone applications developed in LabVIEW.
The DIAdem Data Acquisition and Control Module helps you acquire measurement data and process control data for systems-under-test.
The LabVIEW Communications MIMO Application Framework offers a modifiable real-time multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) software reference design based on the LTE standard.
The Vehicle Communication Toolkit works with NI-XNET-supported devices to handle Restbus simulation for automotive networks.
The Digital Audio Acquisition and Generation Toolkit helps you acquire and generate I²S, PDM, and TDM signals to assess device performance.
The LabVIEW OPC UA Toolkit provides support for creating OPC UA Clients and Servers in LabVIEW.
The LabVIEW Electrical Power Toolkit helps you create applications to measure, analyze, and record electrical power data.
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