SMDP Toolkit

RAFA Solutions, LLC




The SMDP Toolkit helps you implement data communication between Sycon controller-based products.

The SMDP Toolkit is a software add-on for LabVIEW. With this add-on, you can control your compressor and other Sycon controller-based devices with LabVIEW using the Sycon Multi Drop Protocol (SMDP). The SMDP Toolkit supports SMDP by incorporating special communication VIs for serialized packet mode. The add-on includes data read VIs to perform packet validity checks based on the packet checksum characters plus master and slave read and write VIs. The SMDP Toolkit also provides support for transmission and reception in serialized packet mode and includes an example code for the CP2800 Cryomech compressor.

製品番号: 785536-35

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