
Aledyne Engineering, Inc.




SigmaDAQ provides tools for data acquisition and reporting compatible with CompactDAQ Chassis.

SigmaDAQ is a software add-on for LabVIEW that provides a data logger application for channel configuration and acquisition and a data viewer application for history-based querying and report generation. You can use a channel configuration utility to configure voltage, temperature, pressure, and encoder acquisition. The data logger is compatible with NI data acquisition products, including CompactDAQ Chassis as well as third-party, RS232-based meters and controllers. SigmaDAQ also features configurable alerts with SMS text messages that include graph images. You can view past and real-time data from multiple locations simultaneously in the data viewer. Plus, SigmaDAQ enables the automated generation of Microsoft Excel reports and charts from the data viewed in the application graphs.

製品番号: 783655-35

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