SEA 802.11p Add-On for LabVIEW - Monitoring API

S.E.A. Science & Engineering

FROM $ 13,090.00



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The 802.11p Monitoring API for LabVIEW helps you monitor and manipulate IEEE 802.11p communications for Vehicle-to-Anything (V2X).

The 802.11p Monitoring API for LabVIEW is a software add-on that provides access to the IEEE 802.11p standard for V2X communication. With this add-on, you can use test and simulation applications that require manipulation and monitoring of 802.11p communication on the data layer. The add-on supports specific hardware including USRP Software Defined Radios and PXI Signal Transceivers. You can simulate high-load scenarios to the full utilization of the 802.11p radio band capacity for open-loop replay or in hardware-in-the-loop test systems. The 802.11p Monitoring API for LabVIEW also helps you synchronize 802.11p message streams to other signals such as CAN, GNSS simulation, and more.

製品番号: 786922-35

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