Property Inspector


FROM $ 249.00



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The Property Inspector helps you search, sort, edit, and analyze VI properties in LabVIEW.

The Property Inspector is a software add-on for LabVIEW with which you can locate and edit properties of multiple Vis, individually or simultaneously. Unlike Find and Replace, editing is not limited to just the searched text; the add-on features string manipulation functions that you can use to edit or remove the entire field. With this add-on, you can search for and sort VIs based on 24 VI properties. You can sort VIs to find highest data usage, code size, clone instances, or edit date. Additionally, you can use the Property Inspector to isolate and update binary settings, audit by data size, clean up old or unused code by LabVIEW version, sort by date modified for latest, locate undocumented code, and edit or download shortcuts.

製品番号: 783768-35

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