Newton API Control Option for LabVIEW

RAFA Solutions, LLC




The Newton API Control Option for LabVIEW helps you control TestResources Newton Test Machine Controller using custom LabVIEW applications.

The Newton API Control Option for LabVIEW is a software add-on that provides a library of LabVIEW APIs. You can use these APIs to connect to the TestResources Newton Test Machine Controller and configure profile parameters, start/stop movement, monitor safety limit statuses, and more. The add-on also includes the Newton LabVIEW API to help you deploy the firmware, configure machine, create, and run tests, perform offline analysis, and generate reports. The Newton platform provides high-speed closed-loop control, transducer conditioning, and data acquisition for electromechanical, electrodynamic, and servohydraulic test actuators and machines.

製品番号: 787364-35 | 787622-35

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