



FlexLogger provides sensor configuration and data logging of mixed signals to verify electromechanical systems, all without programming.

FlexLogger is application software that helps you build flexible, scalable data-logging systems with NI data acquisition hardware without the need for programming knowledge. With FlexLogger, you can use sensor-specific configuration workflows to quickly set up, visualize, and log a mix of synchronized measurements from analog sensors, digital signals, and vehicle communication buses. You can generate voltage, current, or digital signals to drive actuators or control set points, which can be automated by event triggers in response to changing conditions. FlexLogger automatically saves metadata documenting your test configuration; this allows you to trace test results and make comparisons across multiple tests. Additionally, you can interactively review test results in the integrated data viewer to visually inspect your data and draw conclusions. You also can build customized screens to visualize your data with drag-and-drop engineering indicators.


  • ドラッグアンドドロップ式のエンジニアリングインジケータを使用して、データを視覚化できるカスタム画面を作成する
  • 記録したテスト結果を統合型データビューアで確認する

製品番号: 785748-3501WM | 785748-3501
