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Electronics Engineering Components

Integrator, Ltd




The Electronics Engineering Components provides electronics engineering labs based on the NI Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS).

The Electronics Engineering Components is a software add-on for LabVIEW that provides a lab testbench including 26 experiments on electronics engineering. With the add-on, you can access and view instructions within LabVIEW front panels during a lab. Additionally, the add-on features menu-driven navigation through the labs, step-by-step instructions, and interactive system control during hands-on labs. You can take measurements on the circuits during a lab using the NI ELVIS onboard meters. The Electronics Engineering Components also supports representation of experimental results as graphs or scope signals. You can export results as Microsoft Excel files. The add-on supports student registration.

製品番号: 786339-35

このページのLabVIEW用サードパーティアドオンは、これらの製品に単独で責任を負う独立したサードパーティプロバイダによって提供されます。 NIは、これらの製品の性能、説明、仕様、参照コンテンツ、またはサードパーティプロバイダのすべての主張または表明について一切責任を負いません。 NIは、サードパーティプロバイダの物品、参照コンテンツ、すべての主張または表明について、明示または黙示を問わず、いかなる保証も行いません。