Deep Learning Toolkit for LabVIEW

Ngene, LLC




The Deep Learning Toolkit for LabVIEW provides access to a deep learning infrastructure and machine learning applications in LabVIEW.

The Deep Learning Toolkit for LabVIEW is a software add-on for LabVIEW that you can use to create, configure, train, and deploy deep neural networks (DNNs). With this add-on, you can accelerate training and inference of DNNs on Nvidia graphics processing unit (GPUs). The add-on supports LabVIEW Real-Time targets for deployment and inference. Plus, the Deep Learning Toolkit for LabVIEW helps you visualize DNN topology and metrics such as memory footprint and computational complexity. When executed on a CPU, the add-on does not require an external library or engine to function.

製品番号: 786283-35 | 787178-35 | 787178-35WP

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