Azure Kinect Sensor and Body Tracking Toolkit for LabVIEW

Rizhao COS Information Technology Co., Ltd.

FROM $ 399.00



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Software Use: Development
License Term: Subscription
License Size Value: 1
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Language: English
Edition Type: Full
Delivery Method: Download
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The Azure Kinect Sensor and Body Tracking Toolkit for LabVIEW helps you control the Microsoft Azure Kinect DK for body tracking in LabVIEW.

The Azure Kinect Sensor and Body Tracking Toolkit for LabVIEW is a software add-on you can use to access the underlying sensors that control the Azure Kinect DK hardware for body tracking. You can access and calibrate a depth sensor, infrared sensor, a spatial microphone array with a video camera, an RGB camera, accelerometer, gyroscope, and an orientation sensor as an all in-one small device with multiple modes, options, and software development kits (SDKs). Additionally, this add-on provides depth camera and color camera alignment functionality, direct access to color point clouds, point cloud mesh reconstruction, 3D mesh smoothing, color mesh data storage and reading, real-time rendering capabilities, routines for functions, and more. You also can use the Azure Kinect Sensor and Body Tracking Toolkit for LabVIEW to track 32 joint points of the human body in real time.

製品番号: 788654-35

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