
FROM $ 23,290.00



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Reconstruction FilterA reconstruction filter is a low pass filter commonly used to smooth the analog output waveform and prevent imaging.
Dynamic RAM (DRAM)Amount of dynamic RAM (DRAM) available.
4 GB
FPGAField-programmable gate array (FPGA) included in the product.
Kintex UltraScale KU060
Kintex UltraScale KU040
Kintex UltraScale KU035
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12-Bit, 6.4 GS/s, 2-Channel PXI FlexRIO Signal Generator

The PXIe-5745 enables direct RF generation up to 3 GHz with 12 bits of resolution. You can use it in a dual-channel mode at 3.2 GS/s for generation up to 1.5 GHz or in a single-channel wideband upconversion mode at 6.4 GS/s. The PXIe-5745 is ideal for applications that require high channel density IF signal generation with multichannel synchronization, including radar, electronic warfare, and communications. The FlexRIO driver includes support for generating predefined waveforms, and you can use the LabVIEW-programmable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA for dynamically creating waveforms, signal modulation/demodulation, and other custom real-time signal processing.

製品番号: 785598-01 | 785597-01 | 785596-01 | 785597-02 | 785596-02 | 785598-02 |


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