
FROM $ 554.00



Item details
Supported Hardware Platform: C Series
Maximum Update Rate: 1 µs
Number of Digital Output Only Channels: 0
Number of Digital Input Only Channels: 8
Digital I/O Isolation: 250 Vrms Ch-Earth Ground Isolation
Digital I/O Logic Levels: 12 V, 24 V
Enclosed: Yes
Current Flow Direction: Sinking Input
Conformal Coated: No
Number of Bidirectional Digital Channels: 0
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24 V, 8 Channel (Sinking Input), 1 µs C Series Digital Module

The NI‑9423 works with industrial logic levels and signals to connect directly to a wide array of industrial switches, transducers, and devices. Each channel is compatible with 24 V logic levels, can accept up to 30 V discrete logic levels, and has an LED that indicates the status. The NI‑9423 offers isolation between the input and output banks from channel to earth ground. The NI‑9423 is a correlated digital module, so it can perform correlated measurements, triggering, and sychronization when installed in a CompactDAQ chassis.

製品番号: 779009-01 | 783735-01 |


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