
FROM $ 612.00



Item details
Synchronization Enabled: No
Wireless Certification Region: -
Onboard Trigger: No
Slot Count: 1
Operating Temperature Range: 0 °C to 55 °C
Bus Connector: Ethernet
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1‑Slot, Ethernet CompactDAQ Chassis

The cDAQ‑9181 is a CompactDAQ Ethernet chassis designed for small, distributed sensor measurement systems. The chassis controls the timing, synchronization, and data transfer between C Series I/O modules and an external host. You can use this chassis with a combination of C Series I/O modules to create a mix of analog I/O, digital I/O, and counter/timer measurements. The chassis also has four 32‑bit general‑purpose counters/timers. You can access these counters through an installed, hardware‑timed digital C Series module for applications that involve quadrature encoders, PWM, event counting, pulse train generation, and period or frequency measurement.

製品番号: 782052-01 | 781496-01 |


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