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CDA-2990 8 Channel Clock Distribution Accessory with GPSDO
CDA-2990 8 Channel Clock Distribution Accessory
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8-Channel, 10 MHz Clock Distribution Device

The CDA-2990 helps you synchronize systems that include USRP Software Defined Radio Devices. It accepts both external 10 MHz and pulse-per-second (PPS) input signals and amplifies and distributes the signals to eight output ports. The CDA-2990 is available in a configuration for distributing externally supplied signals. You can also choose the GPS-disciplined oscillator (GPSDO)-enabled option, which integrates a GPS-disciplined oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) that generates the 10 MHz and PPS signals internally.

製品番号: 784305-01 | 784306-01 |


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