I get the following error while deploying my VeriStand project: The VeriStand Gateway encountered an error while deploying the System Definition file. Details: Error -307660 occurred at Project Window.lvlib:Project ...
I am seeing a Windows prompt telling me to re-activate my Windows OS on my NI PXI(e) controller, and it is asking for my Product Registration Key. Where can I find this key? Where can I find the Windows ...
This article describes where you can find the serial number or system tag of your NIhardware or system.
If you are looking for information on your NI software licensing, refer to Finding the Serial Number ...
I want to connect my CompactRIO controller, Compact FieldPoint, PXI controller, (or any real-time target) to a wireless network. What are the considerations for doing this?
I tried to install NI VeriStand Engine on my PXI controller running PharLap ETS and I got the following error message:
Cannot continue because of the following unresolved dependencies:
NI VeriStand Engine ...
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