When looking through NI's Digital I/O offerings, I noticed that they either do not give a clock rate or give the clock rate in Hertz. For the modules which give a clock rate, does this mean that all lines ...
I am using anNI-651xdigital board, one of the 30 V bank isolated industrial devices. These devices require an external power supply for sourcing and sinking output signals. What kind of voltage drop can ...
I'm configuring a Digital Change Detection on two different tasks on my PXIe-6509, but when I run the code, I get the following error:
Error -50103 occurred at DAQmx Start Task.vi:7220001
Possible reason(s): ...
I am using a voltage divider to bring 10V signals down to 5V for my NI 6509. The 6509 is configured to use the 47K pull downs and I use the same resistance in my divider.
What is the input resistance ...
I am able to see some of the possible I/O Option Names for my control or constant in LabVIEW, but the DAQmx Terminal Control on the front panel or the DAQmx Terminal Constant on the block diagram does ...
I have a NI hardware configurationand I want to use one input signal to triggera particular task or operation on my LabVIEW code. I want to synchronizetwo tasks to execute one after the other and my NI ...
I would like to configure some of the DIO lines for input while other lines in the same DIO port are configured for output. On which boards can the DIO lines be individually configured? In software I am ...
The following devices support programmable power up states: 6509 651x (6512, 6513, 6514, 6515) 652x (6525, 6527, 6528), All M Series boards (62xx) All X Series boards (63xx) You can set power-up states ...