The PXI Multifunction I/O Module provides a mix of analogI/O, digitalI/O, counter/timer, and triggering functionality in a single PXI module. If you want to use this module to generate a PWM wave in NI ...
I am trying to synchronize a counter input with multiple analog inputs, but I keep running into errors. I am trying to figure out if this is possible to do and if so, how to do it properly.
Why does the read speed of each AI (analog input) channel decrease as I increase the number of AI channels I am reading from? How do I read from multiple AI channels at the same time, simultaneously? I ...
I am able to see some of the possible I/O Option Names for my control or constant in LabVIEW, but the DAQmx Terminal Control on the front panel or the DAQmx Terminal Constant on the block diagram does ...
I have a PXI Multifunction I/O Module, such as PXI-6225. When referring to its specification, it only mentions about input impedances from both AI+ to AI GND and AI- to AI GND. I would like to know what ...
I have configured an analog acquisition task with a reference trigger and I receive the error -200281 when running the program. I'm certain that a trigger condition occurs and I have increased the timeout ...
I want to utilize the filter on NI DAQ card. I have noise in my environment that's coming through to my signal and saw that my card has filtering capabilities. What is the cutoff frequency of this filter? ...
Are the grounds on my X Series, M Series, E Series and S Series DAQ devices all tied together? Do it matter which ground I connect to on my X, M E or S Series card?