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I need to change the baud rate of a port on my NI 9852 or 9853 CompactRIO CAN module from the default of 500 Kbps. How do I do this?

What is the maximum baud rate that NI 9860 can support? I could not find any information related to the baud rate in the NI 9860 specifications page.

I am adding modules to my CompactRIO in my LabVIEW project. For the NI-9853 device, I cannot see the module in the project and see Module 1 - type not supportedwhere the module should be. I can add the ...

I want to use the NI-XNET API in the startup application on my real-time CompactDAQ (cDAQ) or CompactRIO (cRIO), and the code runs without issue from the development environment. However, when I try and ...

I use an NI 9151 R Series expansion chassis with a PXI R Series module. Will using an expansion chassis affect the performance of C Series modules compared to using it with other CompactRIO chassis? Is ...

When I follow the steps How to Do UDS Test With CompactRIO and NI-985x, I get the following error:

The ECU Measurement and Calibration (ECUMC) Toolkit is a software add-on for LabVIEW. It enables measurement and calibration applications for ECU design and validation. As the NI-985x is only supported ...

The NI-985x are only supported on FPGA as indicated inC Series Module and CompactDAQ/CompactRIO Hardware Compatibility. This article explains how you can use NI-985x modules with NI Automotive Diagnostic ...

Frequently Asked Questions about using the 9852 and 9853 modules in a CompactRIO system.

When I try to run NI-XNET session with Signal In Single Point Read XNET function in LabVIEW with CAN Interface Module, error -1074384864 occurred. How to solve the issue? Error -1074384864 occurred at ...

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