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TestStand is test management software that helps you develop, debug, and deploy test systems and provides full visibility into testing process and results.

TestStand is application software that helps engineers quickly develop robust automated test and validation systems. You can extend the functionality of your system by developing test sequences in TestStand that integrate code modules written in any programming language. You can use built-in functionality to profile and optimize speed and parallelism before deploying test systems to production. TestStand provides extensible plug-ins for reporting, database logging, and connectivity to other systems, meeting the needs of any environment. With TestStand, you can confidently deploy test systems with increased throughput that run at the speed of production. You can choose from a development license, a deployment license for distributing developing code, or a debug/deploy license, which you can use to resolve issues on applications that were created with a development license.

Principales fonctionnalités:

  • Exécution de séquence de test parallèle à haute vitesse
  • Rapports XML, HTML, ASCII et ATML personnalisables et enregistrement sur base de données
  • Adaptateurs pour appeler des tests écrits dans n'importe quelle langue ou format

Numéro(s) de référence : 777774-3505 | 777774-35 | 779851-35 | 788372-35WM | 788372-35

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