LabVIEW Communications MIMO Application Framework

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The LabVIEW Communications MIMO Application Framework offers a modifiable real-time multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) software reference design based on the LTE standard.

The LabVIEW Communications MIMO Application Framework is a software add-on that provides an FPGA-based MIMO software reference design supporting a fully streaming, over-the-air, real-time, 20 MHz TDD uplink and downlink physical layer based on the LTE standard. The MIMO Application Framework source code is fully modifiable and can be customized to meet a variety of design specifications. This add-on allows researchers to quickly get their real-time SU-MIMO, MU-MIMO, and Massive MIMO prototyping system set up and ready for experimentation with a scalable number of base station antennas, from 2 to 128, and up to 12 UE antennas. The LabVIEW Communications MIMO Application Framework requires the LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite.

Numéro(s) de référence : 785244-3501 | 785245-3501

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