DSA Software

Signal.X Technologies, LLC

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DSA Software helps you acquire and analyze sound and vibration data using NI data acquisition hardware.

DSA Software is a software add-on for LabVIEW that you can use to perform signal processing tasks with NI Sound and Vibration modules for CompactDAQ, FieldDAQ, and PXI systems. With this add-on, you can perform frequency- and order-domain spectrum analysis, order analysis, impact testing and more. You can use a cursor function to identify and dynamically track frequencies of bearings, gears, and so on. The add-on provides tools to capture data files manually or use remote digital triggers for autonomous data acquisition and mixed signal types such as high-speed sound and vibration signals and generic analog signals. DSA Software supportsexporting and importing of time history files using .csv, .wav, .uff58, .hdf, or .txt formats.

Numéro(s) de référence : 783860-35

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