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DIAdem is application software that helps engineers accelerate post-processing of measurement data. This software is optimized for large data sets and includes tools to aggregate and search for the data you need. You can view and investigate that data, transform it with engineering-specific analysis functions, and share results with a powerful drag-and-drop report editor. You also can use DIAdem with over one-thousand data file formats by utilizing DataPlugins. Additionally, DIAdem supports scripts written in Python or VBScript to help you automate your repetitive data post-processing tasks and transform your measurement data into complete, accurate, and actionable insights.
Les abonnements et les services logiciels NI sont automatiquement renouvelés à leur terme au tarif alors en vigueur. Je comprends que je peux annuler mon abonnement ou mon service logiciel NI avant chaque date de renouvellement. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute question ou demande de renseignement.