Actor-Oriented Design in LabVIEW Course

FROM $ 3,090.00

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Item details
Education Service Credits Needed: 30
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DurationThe amount of time it takes to cover all the course material.
3 day(s)
Course FormatThe format in which the training is given.
Public Classroom
Public Virtual
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The Actor-Oriented Design in LabVIEW Course teaches you how to build actors and design complex multi-actor systems using the LabVIEW Actor Framework.

The Actor-Oriented Design in LabVIEW Course helps you learn how to design and implement scalable, extensible software architectures for LabVIEW applications requiring a high level of concurrency. This course teaches you how to build actors and architect an application built with those actors. You will discover how to work in the framework and how to use inheritance and composition to build highly parallel, robust systems. At the end of this course, you will know how to test and deploy completed systems. You will also understand implementation common design patterns in actor systems to promote reuse and extensibility. The Actor-Oriented Design in LabVIEW Course is recommended for users experienced in object-oriented design and programming in LabVIEW.

Principales fonctionnalités:

  • Format : En classe, Virtuel
  • Pré-requis : Conception orientée objet dans LabVIEW Fondamental 3 et programmation dans LabVIEW, Une expérience des sujets traités dans les cours « LabVIEW Fondamental 3 » et « Conception et programmation orientées objet dans LabVIEW » est requise
  • Ce cours est également disponible dans un format de salle privée virtuelle ou de salle privée

Numéro(s) de référence : 910840-11 | 910840-69

Cours de formations pour clients

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