Acquisition de données modulaire
Mesure et contrôle/commande distribués
Test hautes performances
Logiciel de développement de systèmes de test automatique
Dans la section Points de vue, découvrez ce qui, selon NI, constitue le futur en matière de tests et de technologie.
Vous pouvez demander une réparation, une autorisation de retour de marchandise (RMA), programmer l’étalonnage ou obtenir une assistance technique. Vous devez avoir souscrit un contrat de service.
Ce driver est destiné aux périphériques d'acquisition et de conditionnement de signaux NI.
Ce driver est destiné aux clients qui utilisent des instruments Ethernet, GPIB, série, USB et autres.
Ce driver est destiné aux clients qui utilisent les contrôleurs NI GPIB et les contrôleurs NI embarqués dotés de ports GPIB.
Software Add-Ons are modules, toolkits, applications, and more developed by NI or NI partners that extend the capabilities of software such as LabVIEW, VeriStand, and TestStand with industry-specific libraries or specialized technologies.
The LabVIEW FPGA IP Export Utility helps you export algorithms written in LabVIEW FPGA for deployment on third-party hardware.
The LabVIEW Real-Time Module helps you create reliable, stand-alone applications that execute on embedded hardware devices.
The ECU Measurement and Calibration (ECUMC) Toolkit enables measurement and calibration applications for electronic control unit (ECU) design and validation.
The Automotive Diagnostic Command Set Toolkit helps you design and implement automotive diagnostic applications for ECU production test.
The LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control (DSC) Module helps you develop HMI/SCADA or high-channel-count data-logging applications.
The Semiconductor Device Control Add-on for InstrumentStudio provides interactive device control capabilities that quickly scale to automated validation.
The LabVIEW Communications 802.11 Application Framework offers a modifiable real-time WiFi PHY and MAC layer IP based on the 802.11 a/ac standards.
The Power-Added Efficiency Measurement Library helps you set up PXI modules for synchronous RF pulsing, DC triggering, and DUT control.
Digital Signal Transceiver Driver extends the FPGA coprocessing functionality of the PXIe-7903 PXI High-Speed Serial Instrument.
The NI Data Link Test Framework helps you work with PXI Vector Signal Transceivers (VSTs) to measure modulation accuracy and to transmit power.
The LabVIEW Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit helps you perform time frequency, time series, and wavelet analysis.
The S-Parameter Measurement Library enables S-parameter measurements of components using the PXI Vector Signal Transceiver (VST).
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