RFmx Digital Modulation

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RFmx Digital Modulation provides digital modulated signal generation and analysis for test applications.

RFmx Digital Modulation is application software that runs inside RFmx Demod, which installs with RFmx Digital Modulation. This software extends the capability of NI RF instrumentation for digital modulated signal generation and analysis. You can use this software to analyze ASK, FSK, PSK, and QAM signals with measurements such as error vector magnitude (EVM), modulation error ration (MER), rho, amplitude droop, and more. Additionally, you can analyze demodulated bits with synchronization and apply flexible equalization, pulse shape filtering, measurement filtering, and impairment compensation. You also can perform and debug measurements with interactive software front panels, create and playback open, unlocked waveforms with the included RFmx Waveform Creator, and speed up automated testing with the performance-optimized API.

Numéro(s) de référence : 788024-35 | 788024-35WM

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