LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control Module

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The LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control (DSC) Module helps you develop HMI/SCADA or high-channel-count data-logging applications.

The LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control (DSC) Module is add-on software for the LabVIEW programming environment. You can use this module to develop a distributed monitoring and control system with tags ranging from a few dozen to tens of thousands. It includes tools for logging data to a networked historical database, tracking real-time and historical trends, managing alarms and events, networking LabVIEW Real-Time targets and OPC devices into one complete system, and adding security to user interfaces. You can choose from a development license, a deployment license for distributing developing code, or a debug/deploy license, which you can use to resolve issues on applications that were created with a development license.

Numéro(s) de référence : 778312-35 | 781145-35 | 788431-35

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