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Protocol Validation Software for RFFE Target Devices

Soliton Technologies Private Limited

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The Protocol Validation Software for RFFE Target Devices helps you validate the MIPI RFFE interface for electrical and functional compliance.

The Protocol Validation Software for RFFE Target Devices is application software that works with the PXIe-657x PXI Digital Pattern Instrument. You can use this software to validate bus timing, electrical, and functional compliance of a device with specifications of the Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI�) RF Front-End Control Interface (RFFE) protocol. The software also supports device tolerance validation and the ability to recover from a variety of faults and exceptions. Additionally, the The Protocol Validation Software for RFFE Target Devices can create a detailed set of test reports, and it also provides APIs to integrate with automation platforms like TestStand and Python. The Soliton PVS Interposer board is required to perform the validation; one board is included with the add-on and is available from Soliton.

Numéro(s) de référence : 788531-35

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