Digital Waveform Editor

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The Digital Waveform Editor helps you create and edit digital waveforms for customized digital interfacing and test conditions.

The Digital Waveform Editor is a software tool that helps you create waveforms or import existing test patterns from value change dump (.VCD) or ASCII file formats for viewing and editing. You can also use it to design digital vectors with six drive and compare states (0, 1, Z, H, L, and X). The Digital Waveform Editor uses built-in fill patterns for count up, count down, pseudorandom bit sequences (PRBS), and more. You can export waveforms as ASCII or binary for use in application development environments with PXI Digital Waveform Instruments or Digital Waveform Devices.

Numéro(s) de référence : 788514-35WM | 788514-35

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