Measurement Studio

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Measurement Studio is an extension of Microsoft Visual Studio that provides .NET tools for creating test and measurement applications.

Measurement Studio is a set of .NET tools designed for building engineering applications. You can present data clearly with engineering UI controls that are compatible with hardware-acquired data types. Measurement Studio removes the complexity of hardware communication through high-level, intuitive, object-oriented hardware class libraries. You can add custom information to acquired data by using the fastest and most flexible file format for storing measurement data to disk, TDMS. You can also perform inline analysis in real time on acquired signals without the difficult task of writing custom parsing algorithms. You can choose from Standard, Professional, or Enterprise edition development licenses or a debug and deployment license, which you can use to resolve issues on applications that were created with a development license.

Principales fonctionnalités:

  • Langage de programmation : Visual C#, Visual Basic .NET
  • Fonctionnalités de l'éditeur : Intégration matérielle, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms, contrôles ASP.NET UI, analyse de données et déploiement


Numéro(s) de référence : 788385-35 | 788385-35WM | 788386-35WM | 788386-35 | 788387-35 | 788387-35WM | 781151-35

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