
FROM $ 16,071.00

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Item details
Slot Cooling Capacity: 82 W
System Timing Slot: Yes
Number of PXI Slots: 0
Slot Count: 18
Maximum System Bandwidth: 24 GB/s
Redundant HW Option: Yes
Number of PXI Express Slots: 11
Number of Hybrid Slots: 5
Chassis Power Supply Type: AC
PXI Chassis Type: PXI Express
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External ClockingIndicates that the chassis can import or export PXI_CLK10 without additional modules.
External Trigger AccessIndicates that the chassis can access external PXI trigger lines without additional modules.
Onboard Clock TypeType of oscillator used for the onboard clock.
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PXIe, 18-Slot (5 Hybrid Slots, 11 PXI Express Slots, 1 PXI Express System Timing Slot), Up to 24 GB/s PXI Chassis

The PXIe-1095 features a high-bandwidth backplane and up to 82 W of power and cooling in every slot to meet a wide range of high-performance test and measurement application needs. The chassis incorporates two hot-swappable power supplies to improve the mean time to repair (MTTR) of the PXI system; it also offers a Timing and Synchronization option that includes a built-in oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) for increased clock accuracy and external clock and trigger routing. It accepts PXI Express modules in every slot and supports standard PXI hybrid-compatible modules in up to five slots.

Numéro(s) de référence : 783882-01 | 785971-01 |

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