
FROM $ 2,309.00

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Item details
Signaling Type: Differential
Maximum Data Rate: 16 Mbits/s
Compatible FPGA: Kintex-7, Virtex-5
Logic Levels And Range: RS-422/RS-485
Maximum Clock Rate: 16 MHz
Number of Bidirectional Digital Channels: 16
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Digital I/O TerminationImpedance, in Ohms, provided on the inputs.
100 Ohm
DuplexProduct supports duplex Tx and Rx configuration, optimizing bandwidth in serial systems.
Full Duplex
Half Duplex
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16 Mbit/s, 32-Channel Digital I/O Adapter Module for FlexRIO

The NI-6584 is a digital I/O adapter module that, when combined with a PXI FPGA Module for FlexRIO or the Controller for FlexRIO, creates a digital instrument for interfacing with 16 RX and TX pairs of RS485 or RS422. This digital I/O adapter module for FlexRIO can be used to do real-time interfacing and analysis of RS485 and RS422 as well as other electrically compatible interfaces. The NI-6584 can sample digital waveforms at up to 16 MHz clock rates, has terminated and unterminated options, and full and half duplex configurations.

Numéro(s) de référence : 781290-01 | 781290-02 | 781290-03 |

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