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I am able to see my CompactRIO (cRIO) under Remote Systems in NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). However, when I expand Devices and Interfaces under the cRIO, I can't see my C Series I/O modules. ...

I have a CompactDAQ (cDAQ) chassis with a built-in controller running an NI Real-Time operating system. I am configuring my LabVIEW project and have added the cDAQ RT target in my Project Explorer, but ...

I have a cDAQ chassis with digital modules connected and I need to generate PWM signals and read digital pulses at the same time. How many of PWM signals could I generate and how many digital pulses could ...

You may need to control a stepper motor drive (step or direction) using the digital outputs of your USB DAQ. This article will help you control the motor for some simple moves in LabVIEW.

I'm using a C Series Digital Module to interpret a Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) signal. Is there any hysteresis? What happens if I input a digital signal that is somewhere between the TTL voltage ...

C Series Digital Modules can write digital data in its digital lines by indicating in the software when to output a logic 0 or 1. However, there are applications that require changing the state of a line ...

I would like to check the Galvanic isolation of NI PXI and C series modules but I could not locate it in the specification sheet. Do the modules comes with the isolation? How to know that the if module ...

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