I am using a terminal block (or SCXI module) with built-in Cold Junction Compensation (CJC). However, when I am creating my virtual channels in Measurement & Automation Explorer, I am not given the option ...
What is the pinout of mySCB-68A terminal block when connected to connector 1? The pinout of mySCB-68A terminal block does not reflect to the pinout for connector 1 on myNI 62xx/63xx device. When I receive ...
I have cold junction compensation (CJC) sensors built into my analog input DAQ device or module like the NI 9214, 9219, or terminal block like the SCB-68, SCB-68A or SCB-100. How do I read the values from ...
This tutorial provides step–by-step instructions for setting up your USB R Series device, adding it to a project, and creating an analog input acquisition using a DMA FIFO.
Requirements Software LabVIEW ...
I am seeing variable, offset, incorrect or other unexpected errors in my temperature readings. How do I configure and use the cold junction compensation (CJC) on the SCB-68 or SCB-68A to perform a differential ...
I am trying to setup thermocouple channels in FlexLogger and set their Cold Junction Compensation (CJC) source, but for some cases, like using a PXI-6289 with a SCB-68A, I can only choose the Constant ...
I have a SCB-68, SCB-68A or SCB-100 and I would like to measure the ambient temperature of the room. How can I read the value of the built-in cold junction compensation (CJC) sensor?
The SCB-68 and the SCB-68A are labeled as a noise rejecting, shielded I/O connector block on your website. What are the noise rejecting and shielding capabilities of these two items? Do the SCB-68 and ...