Power Validation Add-On for InstrumentStudio

FROM $ 499.00

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Item details
Manufacturer: NI
Company: NI
Software Use: Development
Edition Type: Full
Language: English
Supported OS: Windows
Delivery Method: Download
License Term: Subscription
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1 Year
2 Years
3 Years
Part Number
Power Val Add-On, Subscription for Concurrent License
Power Val Add-On, Non-Concurrent Enterprise License
Power Val Add-On, Subscription for Non-Concurrent License
Power Val Add-On, Concurrent Enterprise License
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The Electronics Power Validation Add-On for InstrumentStudio helps you acquire, visualize, and analyze power consumption and measurement data from NI instruments.

The Electronics Power Validation Add-On for InstrumentStudio is a software add-on that you can use to perform shunt resistor-based power measurements with PXI and CompactDAQ hardware. With this add-on, you can customize measurement parameters to optimize for sample rate, accuracy, resolution, and channel count. You also can configure and execute synchronized power measurements without programming custom tests. Additionally, the Electronics Power Validation Add-On for InstrumentStudio provides an interactive panel that helps you view and export power performance data.

Número(s) de parte: 788556-35 | 788558-35 | 788559-35 | 788557-35

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