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PCIe, x8 Gen2 PCI Express Host, 3.2 GB/s, CopperMXI-Express Device for PXI Remote Control

The PCIe‑8382 is an MXI‑Express remote controller for devices or systems cabled over PCI from a computer with a PCI Express slot. The remote controller provides a x8 PCI Express link over a copper cable to the PXIe‑8381 PXI Remote Control Module when used for remote PXI system control. This link is transparent to software applications and drivers, helping you use industry‐standard desktop computers and servers to control connected devices with no additional programming. With the PCIe‑8382, compatible PXI modules can be used as if they are PCI devices directly installed in the computer.

Número(s) de parte: 779933-01 |

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