Vision Development Module

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Vision Development Module provides hundreds of functions for developing and deploying machine vision applications.

Vision Development Module (VDM) is designed to help you develop machine vision applications using LabVIEW or C/C++ and deploy those applications to Windows or NI Linux Real-Time hardware. With its comprehensive function library, you can access hundreds of image processing algorithms and machine vision functions to enhance images, check for presence, locate features, identify objects, measure parts, and more. VDM also includes the Vision Assistant, which is an algorithm engineering tool that simplifies vision system design by helping you develop algorithms for deployment on either CPUs or FPGAs. You can choose from a development license, a deployment license for distributing developing code, or a debug/deploy license, which you can use to resolve issues on applications that were created with a development license.

Número(s) de parte: 778044-35 | 781154-35 | 788427-35 | 788427-35WM

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