SEA LTE-V Add-On for LabVIEW RF Compliance and CEM API

S.E.A. Science & Engineering

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LabVIEW Add-On for measurement and validation of the LTE-V communication including channel emulation for the V2X (Vehicle-To-Anything) technologies.

LabVIEW Add-On for measurement and validation of the LTE-V communication including channel emulation for the V2X technologies. It delivers unique access to the RF-measurement and validation against the 3GPP PC5-based standard based on National Instruments hardware platform NI USRP/VST including LabVIEW functions palette, examples and the Host Control Manager (HCM) for interaction with local comm. hardware. The RF-COMPLIANCE package enables in-depth RF signal analysis and validation providing measurement functions such as Spectral Mask, Carrier Leakage/Frequency Offset, Error Vector Magnitude, Spectrum Flatness, Channel Power, Occupied Bandwidth, etc. The 3GPP standards TS 36.521-1/TS 36.521-3 are supported for conformance analysis. The Channel Emulation feature is included.

Número(s) de parte: 787733-35

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