PXIe-SCP5105 Bundle

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5-Slot, Up to 5 GS/s, 1.5 GHz PXI Oscilloscope Bundle

The PXIe-SCP5105 Bundle includes the 5-slot PXIe-1083 PXI Chassis and the PXIe-5162 PXI Oscilloscope. The PXIe-5162 has four channels that sample at up to 5 GS/s. Plus, the PXIe-5162 features triggering modes, deep onboard memory, and an instrument driver that includes data streaming and analysis functions, ideal for applications with fast signals that require up to 1.5 GHz of analog bandwidth and flexible measurement configurations. The included chassis features all hybrid connectors, 58 W power and cooling, and an integrated Thunderbolt™ 3 MXI-Express controller. This bundle also includes four standard passive SP500X Oscilloscope Probes with fixed 10x attenuation for oscilloscopes that provide 1 MΩ input impedance. Additionally, the PXIe-SCP5105 Bundle includes a Thunderbolt cable as well as a power cable. Thunderbolt is a trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the US and/or other countries.

Número(s) de parte: 867015-04 | 867015-03 | 867015-02 |

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