xMove Configurator Software


FROM $ 2,070.00

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Item details
Supported OS: Windows
Software Use: Development
License Term: Subscription
License Size Value: 1
License Size Unit of Measure: Seat(s)
Language: English
Edition Type: Full
Delivery Method: Download
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The xMove Configurator helps you quickly configure test systems by remapping signal types with a few clicks of a button.

The xMove Configurator is application software that you can use to define and edit VeriStand System definition files for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) systems with PXI, CompactRIO, and Switch Load and Signal Conditioning (SLSC) modules. You can use the UI to rapidly adjust to new requirements or add new ECUs by remapping your signal types. The xMove Configurator is ideal for users working with VeriStand and have a need to reconfigure the test system for test automation on multiple test objects.

Número(s) de parte: 788547-35

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