RFmx for Bluetooth® Test

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RFmx for Bluetooth® Test provides signal generation and analysis functionality for different Bluetooth technology applications.

RFmx for Bluetooth� Test is measurement personality that extends the capability of NI RF instrumentation for classic Bluetooth as well as Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) signal generation and analysis. This software helps you analyze Basic Rate (BR), Enhanced Data Rate (EDR), and Low Energy (LE) signals up to Bluetooth 5.2 with standard-compliant, physical layer measurements such as modulation accuracy, carrier frequency drift, transmit power (TXP), and more. With RFmx, you can perform and debug measurements with interactive software front panels, create and playback open, unlocked waveforms with RFmx Waveform Creator, and speed up automated testing with the performance-optimized API. Additionally, you can use RFmx for Bluetooth� Test to control a device under test (DUT) with built-in Direct Test Mode (DTM) commands. The Bluetooth � word mark is a registered trademark owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

Características Principales:

  • Automatice el análisis de formas de onda Bluetooth según las especificaciones de Bluetooth Core y RF PHY Test
  • Genere formas de onda desbloqueadas que cumplen con los estándares con el software de aplicación Waveform Creator.
  • Configure y analice de manera interactiva con el software de aplicación RFmx Soft Front Panel

Número(s) de parte: 788082-35 | 788082-35WM

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